Thursday, February 9, 2012


I haven't worked on the game much lately, but the core engine is mostly done. I've got a system set up where I can dynamically load chunks/maps to and from the disk. I've got a really basic AI system done. There's two basic types of AI right now; passive and aggressive. Aggressive AIs fight you, passive AIs just move around randomly. Obviously this will change, but for right now I'm getting comfortable with the pathfinding system Libtcod generously lets you use.

An adventurer slays an evil skeleton with some goats grazing nearby.

Next in priority is to add a hopefully mod-friendly item generator that would allow simple input to dynamically create new item blueprints, such as:
[Sword]: weapon;15;10;"A sharp weapon!";/

Where the format would be "[Name]:objtype;weight;modifier(damage, potency, etc);description;symbol". These blueprints would be stored in a dynamic binary tree (ie std::map) for easy lookup from anywhere in the game.